** Featured STB Jobs **
Environment Protection Specialist
For a complete list of available jobs with STB on USAJOBS, please click here.
The STB uses the Federal Government’s employment site, USAJobs, to list available positions and job information. To view and apply for available jobs with STB, please click HERE. Or, you can start at www.usajobs.gov and enter “Surface Transportation Board” in the search box.
If there are no available positions, please check back regularly or sign up on USAJobs to receive automatic notifications of newly posted STB positions.
How to Apply: Follow the directions in the vacancy announcement. Most positions will require you to apply on-line through USAJOBS.
Applying through USAJOBS will require you to create an account. You can find guidance and tutorials on creating a USAJOBS account at the USAJOBS Help Center.
Remember: Your resume must support your responses to the vacancy questions and provide detailed examples of work and/or volunteer experience to ensure you receive full consideration.
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