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Testimony & Speeches

Below are links to Board Member testimony and speeches, searchable by year, author (board member), date, or title.

Year Author Date TItle
2025 Primus, Robert E. 01/16/2025 MARS 2025 Winter Meeting, Schaumburg, Illinois
2024 Oberman, Martin J. 05/01/2024 NARS 2024 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
2024 Hedlund, Karen 03/25/2024 ASLRRA 2024 Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
2024 Oberman, Martin J. 02/29/2024 SEARS 2024 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
2023 Oberman, Martin J. 11/16/2023 Rail Trends 2023 Conference, New York, New York
2023 Oberman, Martin J. 05/25/2023 North American Rail Shippers 2023 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
2022 Oberman, Martin J. 11/16/2022 Rail Trends 2022 Conference, New York, New York
2022 Oberman, Martin J. 05/12/2022 Testimony of Chairman Martin Oberman before the United States House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials of the Hearing On “Board Member Views on Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization”
2021 Oberman, Martin J. 09/08/2021 North American Rail Shippers 2021 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
2020 Begeman, Ann 11/18/2020 Joint Testimony of Chairman Ann Begeman and Vice Chairman Martin Oberman Before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials: “Examining the STB’s Role in Ensuring a Robust Passenger Rail System”
2018 Begeman, Ann 04/17/2018 Joint Written Testimony on Oversight of the Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2015
2016 Begeman, Ann 08/11/2016 Freight Rail Reform: Implementation of the Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2015
2016 Elliott, Daniel R. 01/14/2016 "2016 Update, Midwest Association of Rail Shippers," Lombard, Illinois, January 14, 2016
2016 Elliott, Daniel R. 03/09/2016 "J.P. Morgan Aviation, Transportation & Industrials Conference," New York City, March 9, 2016
2016 Elliott, Daniel R. 04/27/2016 "2016 Update," Northeast Association of Rail Shippers, Baltimore, Maryland, April 27, 2016
2016 Elliott, Daniel R. 08/11/2016 "Implementation of the Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2015," Carnegie Town Hall Bldg., Sioux Falls, S.D.
2016 Elliott, Daniel R. 11/17/2016 RailTrends 2016 Conference, New York City, November 17-18, 2016
2016 Miller, Deb 08/11/2016 Freight Rail Reform: Implementation of the Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2015
2015 Elliott, Daniel R. 09/15/2015 National Coal Transportation Association, Denver, Colo.
2015 Elliott, Daniel R. 10/06/2015 "Alternative Dispute Resolution at the Surface Transportation Board," 2015 Coal Handling & Storage Conference & Exhibition, St. Louis, Missouri, October 6, 2015
2015 Elliott, Daniel R. 11/20/2015 "Railtrends," New York, N.Y., November 20, 2015
2015 Miller, Deb 05/13/2015 "The 35th Anniversary of the Staggers Rail Act: Railroad Deregulation Past, Present, & Future," May 13, 2015 Testimony Before U.S. House of Reps.' Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines & Hazardous Materials, Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure
2014 Elliott, Daniel R. 04/28/2014 Spring 2014 Update, National Coal Transportation Association, Hilton Head, S.C
2014 Elliott, Daniel R. 05/14/2014 Spring 2014 Update, Industrial Minerals Association, Washington, D.C.
2014 Elliott, Daniel R. 05/29/2014 Spring 2014 Update, North American Rail Shippers Association, San Francisco, Calif.
2014 Elliott, Daniel R. 09/17/2014 American Bakers Association, Washington, D.C.
2014 Elliott, Daniel R. 10/14/2014 Southern Region Meeting of ASLRRA, October 14th, Naples, Fla., Surface Transportation Board Update
2014 Elliott, Daniel R. 10/20/2014 The Fertilizer Institute North American Transportation Conference, October 20th, Tucson, Ariz., Surface Transportation Board Update
2014 Elliott, Daniel R. 11/20/2014 South Dakota Farmers Union, November 20th, Aberdeen, S.D., Surface Transportation Board Update
2013 Elliott, Daniel R. 05/30/2013 North American Rail Shippers Association, May 30, 2013, Baltimore, Md.
2013 Elliott, Daniel R. 07/01/2013 STB Activities (July 2013)
2013 Elliott, Daniel R. 08/19/2013 California Short Line Railroad Association Annual Meeting
2013 Elliott, Daniel R. 11/22/2013 Fall 2013 Update, Rail Trends Conference
2013 Mulvey, Francis P. 02/28/2013 Surface Transportation Board Update, Southwest Association of Rail Shippers, February 28, 2013
2013 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/23/2013 Surface Transportation Board Update, Transportation Research Forum, Annapolis, MD, March 22, 2013
2012 Elliott, Daniel R. 05/24/2012 STB Chairman Daniel R. Elliott III, Nat. Assoc. of Rail Shippers, Chicago, May 24, 2012
2012 Elliott, Daniel R. 12/11/2012 Railtrends, New York, New York, December 11, 2012
2012 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/15/2012 Association of Transportation Law Professionals, June 15, 2012
2011 Elliott, Daniel R. 09/07/2011 Dahlman-Rose
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 01/08/2011 Railroad Capital Expenditures and Regulatory Issues, National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Assoc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/15/2011 Surface Transportation Board Update, American Assoc. of State Highway and Transportation Officials
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/25/2011 Transportation Regulation in America--Past, Present, and Future, George Mason University, Arlington, Va.
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/26/2011 Surface Transportation Board Update, Glass Producers Transportation Council, Washington, D.C.
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/28/2011 Future of Freight Rail, National Association of Counties 2011 Rail Conference, Naperville, Ill.
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/16/2011 Surface Transportation Board Update, Remarks to Agricultural Shippers,The Soybean Transportation Coalition/Indiana Soybean Alliance Meeting, Ft. Wayne, Ind.
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/13/2011 Surface Transportation Board Update, Industrial Minerals Association--North America 2011 Annual Meeting, Transportation Committee, Sonoma, Calif.
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 11/04/2011 Transportation in America, Transportation Law Institute, Arlington, Va.
2011 Mulvey, Francis P. 12/13/2011 Railroad Transportation Regulation in America, A Historical Perspective, George Mason University, Arlington, Va.
2010 Elliott, Daniel R. 01/11/2010 Freight Rail Sustainability: Opportunities and Barriers, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.
2010 Elliott, Daniel R. 04/13/2010 National Coal Transportation Association, San Antonio, Texas
2010 Elliott, Daniel R. 05/03/2010 American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association, Orlando, Fla.
2010 Elliott, Daniel R. 06/28/2010 A New Philosophy for the STB, Association of Transportation Law Professionals
2010 Elliott, Daniel R. 09/15/2010 Testimony Before U.S. Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Hearing on Federal Role in National Rail Policy
2010 Elliott, Daniel R. 10/05/2010 Midwest Shipper's Association, Minneapolis
2010 Elliott, Daniel R. 12/01/2010 RBC Capital Markets
2010 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/29/2010 Rails-to-Trails Federal Rail Banking Program, TransAction Conference 2010, Atlantic City, NJ
2010 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/29/2010 STB: Recent Events and a Look Ahead, RailTrends 2010, New York
2009 Elliott, Daniel R. 11/02/2009 CREATEing a New Chicago, William O. Lipinski Symposium on Transportation Policy, Chicago, Ill.
2009 Elliott, Daniel R. 11/11/2009 The Green Technologies of Rail and Steel, Steel Manufacturer's Association, Washington, D.C.
2009 Elliott, Daniel R. 11/18/2009 Railroading in the Warren Buffett Era, Washington Chapter Transportation Research Forum, Washington, D.C.
2009 Elliott, Daniel R. 12/01/2009 The Need for Change and Openness, Wolfe Research Transport Conference, Washington, D.C.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 02/19/2009 Railroads, Regulation, and Recession: The Role of the Surface Transportation Board, Harvard University, Boston, Mass.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/11/2009 New Directions at The Surface Transportation Board, J.P. Morgan Aviation and Transportation Conference, New York, N.Y.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/07/2009 The Surface Transportation Board, Briefing for Congressional Staff, Washington, D.C.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/15/2009 Coal, Railroads and the Surface Transportation Board, National Coal Transportation Association, Nashville, Tenn.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/23/2009 Recent Activities of the STB and the State of the Nation's Railroads, Northeast Association of Rail Shippers, Newport, R.I.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 05/12/2009 Public Policy and Rail Infrastructure, National Grain and Feed Association, Kansas City, Mo.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 05/27/2009 Transportation, Research, and the Surface Transportation Board, National Conference on Transportation Infrastructure & Regulatory Policy, Denver, Colo.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/10/2009 Recent Activity at The Surface Transportation Board, Merrill Lynch Global Transportation Conference, New York, N.Y.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/17/2009 Transportation Research at the STB, Transportation Research Forum, Washington, D.C.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 07/14/2009 The State of the Nation's Freight Railroads and the Role of the STB, Midwest Association of Rail Shippers, Delavan, Wisc.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 07/27/2009 Railroads Across America, National Association of Counties, Nashville, Tenn.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 08/10/2009 Recent Activities of the STB, North American Fertilizer Transportation Conference, Whistler, British Columbia
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/02/2009 Railroad Service and Rate Regulation Reform: Is It Time To Retool The STB?, Midwest Specialty Grains 6th Annual Conference, Sioux Falls, S.D.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/08/2009 U.S. Railroad Regulation, RBC Capital Markets 2009 Transportation Conference, Toronto, Ontario
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/01/2009 The STB, The Congress and the Nation's Railroads, Southwest Association of Rail Shippers, The Woodlands, Texas
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/05/2009 Recent Developments at the STB and the Movement of TIH and HAZMAT materials, Chlorine Institute--Fall Meeting, Charlotte, N.C.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/07/2009 Recent Activity at the STB, Railtrends 2009, New York, N.Y.
2009 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/21/2009 Rail Rate Cases at the STB: Conference on Actions Management Can Take in Controlling Rail Expenses, Toronto, Ontario
2008 Buttrey, W. Douglas 03/05/2008 "Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey, Member, Surface Transportation Board, Before the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Hearing on Investment in the Rail Industry; 11:00 A.M., March 5, 2008, 2167 Rayburn H.O.B."
2008 Buttrey, W. Douglas 03/05/2008 "Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey, Member, Surface Transportation Board, Before the Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Hearing on Investment in the Rail Industry; 11:00 A.M., March 5, 2008, 2167 Rayburn H.O.B."
2008 Buttrey, W. Douglas 09/09/2008 "Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey, Member, Surface Transportation Board, Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Hearing on 'H.R. 6707, the Taking Responsible Action for Community Safety Act (TRACS Act),' 11:00 A.M., September 9, 2008; 2167 Rayburn H.O.B."
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 01/21/2008 The Surface Tranportation Board and Agricultural Commodities, North Dakota Grain Dealers Association Annual Conference, Fargo, N.D.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 01/21/2008 The Surface Tranportation Board and Agricultural Commodities, North Dakota Grain Dealers Association Annual Conference, Fargo, N.D.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/05/2008 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Investment in the Rail Industry
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/05/2008 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Investment in the Rail Industry
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/05/2008 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Investment in the Rail Industry
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/05/2008 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Investment in the Rail Industry
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/05/2008 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Investment in the Rail Industry
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/05/2008 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Investment in the Rail Industry
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/03/2008 Railroad Regulation Since the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, TransAction 2008, Atlantic City, N.J.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/03/2008 Railroad Regulation Since the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, TransAction 2008, Atlantic City, N.J.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/03/2008 Federal Regulation of Solid Waste Transfer Facililties, TransAction 2008; Atlantic City, N.J.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/03/2008 Federal Regulation of Solid Waste Transfer Facililties, TransAction 2008; Atlantic City, N.J.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 05/05/2008 Frankly Speaking: Hot Irons in the Fire at the STB, American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 05/05/2008 Frankly Speaking: Hot Irons in the Fire at the STB, American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/17/2008 Railroad Regulation in America, Forum on Rail Transportation--Bayer Corporation, Pittsburgh. Pa.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/17/2008 Railroad Regulation in America, Forum on Rail Transportation--Bayer Corporation, Pittsburgh. Pa.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/19/2008 The Surface Transportation Board, Merrill Lynch Global Transportation Conference, New York. N.Y.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/19/2008 The Surface Transportation Board, Merrill Lynch Global Transportation Conference, New York. N.Y.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/30/2008 Has the STB Changed Course? Keynote Speech to the Association of Transportation Law Professionals (ATLP), Williamsburg, Va.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/30/2008 Has the STB Changed Course? Keynote Speech to the Association of Transportation Law Professionals (ATLP), Williamsburg, Va.
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/09/2008 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, September 9, 2008 Hearing, Taking Responsible Action for Community Safety Act, H.R. 6707
2008 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/15/2008 U.S. Railroads and the Future of Intermodal Traffic, Footwear Traffic Distribution and Customs Conference, Long Beach, Calif.
2008 Nottingham, Charles D. 03/05/2008 Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, "Investment in the Rail Industry."
2008 Nottingham, Charles D. 03/05/2008 Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, "Investment in the Rail Industry."
2008 Nottingham, Charles D. 09/09/2008 Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, H.R. 6707. the Taking Responsible Action for Community Safety Act (TRACS Act)
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10-16-2007 No file, press release Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Buttrey, W. Douglas 09/20/2007 "Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey, Vice Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board, Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Rail Competition and Service, September 20, 2007"
2007 Buttrey, W. Douglas 09/20/2007 "Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey, Vice Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board, Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Rail Competition and Service, September 20, 2007"
2007 Buttrey, W. Douglas 10/16/2007 "Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey; Vice Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board; before the
Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials; Of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Hearing on Railroad-Owned Solid Waste Transload Facilities; 10:00 A.M., October 16, 2007; Rayburn H.O.B."
2007 Buttrey, W. Douglas 10/16/2007 "Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey; Vice Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board; before the
Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials; Of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Hearing on Railroad-Owned Solid Waste Transload Facilities; 10:00 A.M., October 16, 2007; Rayburn H.O.B."
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/06/2007 Public Sector Role inTransportation Infrastructure Financing, Food Shippers of America, Palm Springs, Calif.
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/17/2007 The STB and the Nation's Railroads, Transportation Research Forum, Boston, Mass.
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 07/16/2007 Creating Competition or Repeating History: Is Staggers Staggering? Midwest Regional & Short Line Railroad Conference, Duluth, Minn.
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/11/2007 Coal, Railroads & the Surface Transportation Board, National Coal Transportation Association, Denver, Colo.
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/20/2007 Innovations in Transportation Infrastructure Financing, Inland Northwest Regional Summit, Spokane, Wash.
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/25/2007 Testimony Before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/16/2007 Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/16/2007 Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/16/2007 Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/16/2007 Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/16/2007 Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/16/2007 Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/16/2007 Testimony Before the U.S House of Representatives; Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 12/18/2007 Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, On Reappointment
2007 Mulvey, Francis P. 12/18/2007 Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, On Reappointment
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 09/25/2007 Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Rail Competition and Service
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 09/25/2007 Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Rail Competition and Service
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 09/25/2007 Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Rail Competition and Service
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 09/25/2007 Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Hearing on Rail Competition and Service
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/03/2007 Before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, "An Examination of S. 772, The Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act"
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/03/2007 Before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, "An Examination of S. 772, The Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act"
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/03/2007 Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, "An Examination of S. 772, the Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act."
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/03/2007 Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, "An Examination of S. 772, the Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act."
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/16/2007 Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure's Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials, Railroad-Owned Solid Waste Transload Facilities
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/16/2007 Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure's Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials, Railroad-Owned Solid Waste Transload Facilities
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/16/2007 Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, "Railroad-Owned Solid Waste Transload Facilities."
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/16/2007 Before the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, "Railroad-Owned Solid Waste Transload Facilities."
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/23/2007 Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation's Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security, Oversight Hearing on the Surface Transportation Board
2007 Nottingham, Charles D. 10/23/2007 Before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation's Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security, Oversight Hearing on the Surface Transportation Board
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 05/12/2006 Remarks Before the Transportation Table, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2006
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 05/18/2006 Remarks Before the Chicago Traffic Club, May 18, 2006
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 05/23/2006 Testimony of the Surface Transportation Board, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Hearing on Impacts of Railroad-Owned Waste Facilities
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 05/23/2006 Testimony of the Surface Transportation Board, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Hearing on Impacts of Railroad-Owned Waste Facilities
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 05/23/2006 Appendix, "Section 10501(b) Preemption," to Testimony of the Surface Transportation Board, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Hearing on Impacts of Railroad-Owned Waste Facilities
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 05/23/2006 Appendix, "Section 10501(b) Preemption," to Testimony of the Surface Transportation Board, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Railroads, Hearing on Impacts of Railroad-Owned Waste Facilities
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 06/21/2006 Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey, Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Hearing on Economics, Service and Capacity in the Freight Railroad Industry, 10:00 a.m., June 21, 2006, 562 Dirksen Senate Office Building
2006 Buttrey, W. Douglas 06/21/2006 Testimony of W. Douglas Buttrey, Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board, Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Hearing on Economics, Service and Capacity in the Freight Railroad Industry, 10:00 a.m., June 21, 2006, 562 Dirksen Senate Office Building
2006 Mulvey, Francis P. 02/23/2006 Shippers Taking Charge in a Capacity Constrained Environment: The Role of the STB in Railroad Regulation, Southwest Association of Rail Shippers, San Antonio, Texas
2006 Mulvey, Francis P. 03/28/2006 Optimal Investment in Rail Infrastructure: The Divergence of Public and Private Interests, Electric Utility Consultants Inc., Mesa, Ariz.
2006 Mulvey, Francis P. 04/11/2006 The Forest Products Industry and the Nation's Railroads, American Forest and Paper Association's 129th Annual Paper Week, New York, N.Y.
2006 Mulvey, Francis P. 05/23/2006 The S.T.B. and the Nation's Railroads, American Forest and Paper Association, Washington, D.C.
2006 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/15/2006 The Surface Transportation Board Update, Merrill Lynch Global Transportation Conference, New York, N.Y.
2006 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/05/2006 The STB, Shippers and Railroad Capacity, Southwest Association of Rail Shippers, Scottsdale, Ariz.
2006 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/11/2006 The STB and the Nation's Railroads, Industrial Energy Consumers of America, Washington, D.C.
2005 Mulvey, Francis P. 06/21/2005 Railroads and Capacity Problem: Public/Private Approaches, Fuel Management Strategies Conference, Denver, Colo.
2005 Mulvey, Francis P. 08/09/2005 Railroads and Railroad Regulation in a Capacity Constrained Environment, NMFTA/NCC Meetings, San Francisco, Calif.
2005 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/08/2005 Railroads and Railroad Regulation in a Capacity Constrained Environment, Transportation Research Forum, New York, N.Y.
2005 Mulvey, Francis P. 09/27/2005 Rail Transportation Issues and the Role of the Surface Transportation Board, NASSTRAC Fall Conference, Baltimore, Md.
2005 Mulvey, Francis P. 10/20/2005 Update on the STB and Rail Freight Issues, Western Coal Traffic League-Annual Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
2005 Mulvey, Francis P. 11/07/2005 Transportation Challenges: Financing Capacity, 92nd Annual Meeting, Railroad Treasury/Finance Division, Phoenix, Ariz.
2005 Mulvey, Francis P. 11/10/2005 The STB and the Regulation of Coal Transportation in a Capacity-Constrained Environment, EUCI Coal Transportation Workshop, St. Louis, Mo.
2005 Nober, Roger 02/24/2005 Southwest Association of Rail Shippers
2005 Nober, Roger 02/28/2005 Journal of Commerce Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference
2005 Nober, Roger 04/27/2005 Statement--Subcommittee on Transport., Treas., Housing & Urban Develop.--Hearing on FRA & Amtrak
2005 Nober, Roger 04/27/2005 Statement--Subcommittee on Transport., Treas., Housing & Urban Develop.--Hearing on FRA & Amtrak
2005 Nober, Roger 08/30/2005 Public Policy and Surface Transportation Capacity [Freight Transportation Productivity Summit]
2005 Nober, Roger 09/13/2005 National Coal Transportation Association Annual Meeting and Conference
2005 Nober, Roger 09/16/2005 Association of American Railroads' State Relations Policy Committee
2004 Nober, Roger 03/05/2004 Testimony--House Com . on Transport. & Infra., Subcom. on Railroads, Hearing on Transport. of Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mtn. Repository
2004 Nober, Roger 03/23/2004 Speech to National Industrial Transportation League Spring Forum
2004 Nober, Roger 03/31/2004 Testimony--House Com. on Transport. & Infra., Subcom. on Railroads, Hearing on Status of Railroad Econ. Regul. [Rayburn House Office Bldg.]
2004 Nober, Roger 09/09/2004 Class I Railroad "Fall Peak Season" Forum
2003 Nober, Roger 02/14/2003 Speech to the Transportation Table, National Press Club
2003 Nober, Roger 05/20/2003 Testimony--House Com. on Transport. & Inra., Subcom. on Railroads, Hearing on STB: Agency Resources & Requirements
2003 Nober, Roger 06/26/2003 Testimony--House Com. on Transport. & Infra., Subcom. on Railroads, Hearing on Nat. Rail Infra. Financing Proposals
2003 Nober, Roger 10/23/2003 Testimony--Senate Com. on Commerce, Science, & Transport., Subcom. on Surface Transport. & Merchant Marine, Hearing on Railroad Shipper Issues & S. 919
2002 Morgan, Linda J. 03/27/2002 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on Rail Freight Transportation in North Dakota at a Field Hearing Before Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
2002 Morgan, Linda J. 07/31/2002 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on Rail Shipper Issues before the Senate Commerce Committee
2001 Morgan, Linda J. 05/22/2001 No File Available Chairman Morgan's Testimony before House Railroad Subcommittee
2001 Morgan, Linda J. 06/29/2001 No File Available Chairman Morgan's Testimony Before the Senate on New Major Rail Merger Rules
2001 Morgan, Linda J. 03/21/2001 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on STB Oversight before the Senate Commerce Committee
2000 Morgan, Linda J. 09/12/2000 No File Available Chairman Morgan's Testimony on Freight Rail Competition before Senate Appropriations Subcommittee
2000 Morgan, Linda J. 03/23/2000 Chairman Morgan's Oral Testimony on Major Rail Consolidations before Senate Commerce Committee
2000 Morgan, Linda J. 03/23/2000 Chairman Morgan's Written Testimony on Major Rail Consolidations before Senate Commerce Committee
1999 Morgan, Linda J. 03/02/1999 No File Available Chairman Morgan's Testimony on STB Reauthorization before Senate Commerce Committee
1999 Morgan, Linda J. 09/28/1999 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on Her Renomination to the STB
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 03/12/1998 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on STB Reauthorization before House Transportation Committee
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 03/12/1998 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on STB Reauthorization before House Transportation Committee
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 03/31/1998 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on STB Reauthorization before Senate Commerce Committee
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 03/31/1998 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on STB Reauthorization before Senate Commerce Committee
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 05/06/1998 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on Reauthorization: Railroad Inter-carrier Transactions, Construction and Abandonment before House Transportation Committee
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 05/06/1998 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on Reauthorization: Railroad Inter-carrier Transactions, Construction and Abandonment before House Transportation Committee
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 05/13/1998 Chairman Morgan's Testimony on Reauthorization: Rail Rates, Access and Remedies before House Transportation Committee
1998 Morgan, Linda J. 12/21/1998 Chairman Morgan's Letter to Chairmen McCain and Hutchison on Rail Access and Competition
