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Notice: The STB will perform planned website maintenance Friday, January 17, 2025, from 5:00 PM ET to 5:30 PM ET. As a result, e-filing, filings, decisions, recordations and related advanced search may be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window.

Passenger Rail Advisory Committee

The Board announced the formation of the Passenger Rail Advisory Committee (PRAC) in November 2023.  The purpose of the PRAC is to provide advice and guidance to the Board on passenger rail issues on a continuing basis to help the Board better fulfill its statutory responsibilities in overseeing certain aspects of passenger rail service.  The scope of the Committee’s activities shall include providing information, advice, and recommendations to the Board on issues impacting the development and operation of railroad passenger services, including:  improving efficiency on passenger rail routes; reducing disputes between passenger rail carriers and freight rail hosts regarding the use of freight rail carrier-owned facilities and infrastructure for passenger service, including passenger on-time performance issues; and improving regulatory processes related to intercity passenger rail to the benefit of the public, the communities served by passenger rail, and the environment.

The PRAC consists of 21 voting members, and an ex officio (non-voting) member from the U.S. Department of Transportation.  Meetings will be open to the public and held at least twice a year.  For questions about the PRAC, contact Brian O’Boyle by phone at 202-245-0364 or by e-mail at .

Voting Members

The list of PRAC Members by representative interest is available here.


James Derwinski


Henry Posner III
Iowa Interstate Railroad

Gregg Baxter
Herzog Enterprises

Joseph Black

James Blair

Husein Cumber
Florida East Coast Industries

Andy Daly
CSX Transportation

Aaron Edelman
Mooney, Green, Saindon, Murphy & Welch

Jonathan Lamb
Lake Superior Warehousing Co., Inc.

Shoshana Lew
Colorado Department of Transportation

Patricia Long
Railway Supply Institute

Jim Mathews
Rail Passengers Association

Michael McClellan
Norfolk Southern

Roger Millar
Washington State Department of Transportation

Robert Padgette
Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority

Liliana Pereira

Christopher Perry

Greg Regan
AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department

John Robert Smith
Transportation for America

Carl Warren
North Carolina Railroad Company

Lori Winfree
North County Transit District


Next Meeting – Tentative
February 2025
