Notice: The STB will perform planned website maintenance Friday, September 13, 2024, from 5:00 PM EDT to 5:30 PM EDT. As a result, the STB website, including e-filing, filings, decisions, recordations and related advanced search may be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window.
09/02/2021 (Thursday) [PDF Version]
No. 21-38
Contact: Janie Sheng
Michael Booth
FedRelay 1 (800) 877-8339
The Surface Transportation Board today announced a decision inviting comment on issues regarding first-mile / last-mile (FMLM) service. FMLM service refers to the movement of railcars between a local railroad serving yard and a shipper or receiver facility. The Board seeks comment from the shipping community, carriers, and the public concerning what, if any, FMLM issues they consider relevant. The Board also seeks comment on whether further examination of FMLM issues is warranted, and what, if any, actions may help address such issues, taking into account the information shippers already receive from carriers. The Board is particularly interested in knowing whether metrics to measure FMLM service that are not now being reported to the Board might have utility for the supply chain, and the potential burdens associated with any such reporting.
As described in the Board’s decision, various shipper groups have within the last year raised concerns to the Board about FMLM service and requested greater transparency of FMLM data. In addition, in recent months, the Board has heard from various stakeholders regarding crew shortages and other issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide supply chain complications, all of which have heightened the importance of the Board exploring FMLM service. As a result, the Board seeks comment on possible FMLM service issues, the design of potential metrics to measure such service, and the burdens associated with any suggestions raised by commenters.
Comments in First-Mile / Last-Mile Service, Docket No. EP 767, are due by October 18, 2021, and replies are due by November 16, 2021. Today’s decision may be viewed and downloaded here.