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Formal Filings

NOTE:  Due to a recent website update, please clear your internet browser’s history before you submit an e-Filing.  As a reminder, you should receive a confirmation email after your filing is submitted.  Beginning on Monday, March 9, 2020, parties who have consented to e-service of Board decisions under the rule adopted in Docket No. EP 747 will no longer receive paper service of Board decisions.  For more information on e-service, see the Board’s decision in that docket.

Formal filings require service on parties. Prepare your submission in the same manner as you would if filing by paper. All documents in a formal filing must include the docket number(s) applicable to the submission, as well as the name and address of the person responsible for the filing. In addition, formal filings must be submitted as a PDF document and, if available, in the original electronic document format.

Please note that unless the parties agree otherwise, you may not serve your filing by email; service of paper copies is required, and service must be accomplished in the manner prescribed by applicable regulations.

Files up to 500 MB in size can be accepted as attachments. Attachments over 500 MB cannot be e-filed.

Documents received after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time may not be processed until the next business day. Once your filing has been formally accepted by the Board, the public version of the filing will be placed on the Filings page of the Board’s website.

By utilizing the e-filing system, you are consenting to e-service of Board decisions and communications. On the following page you will be required to list the email address(es) to be used for e-service.

Please add the email address  to the email contact information for any email address at which you expect to receive e-service of Board decisions. This will help prevent emails from those addresses being sent to junk mail folders.

Submission In Progress

Please do not close this window while the submission is in progress. Submissions with large attachments can take a significant amount of time to process.
