Home » Proceedings & Actions » E-Filing » Recordations
In order for the Office of Proceedings to process your recordation, please fill out the following information. A star () indicates a required field.
E-filers must pay the filing fee on Pay.gov.
NOTICE: FEE INCREASE EFFECTIVE October 18, 2024. The filing of documents for recordation (49 U.S.C. § 11301 and 49 C.F.R. § 1177.3(c)) will be $60.00 per document.
You should receive an email acknowledging receipt of your recordation. Documents received after 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time may not be processed until the next business day. Once your recordation has been formally accepted by the Board, the recordation will be placed on the Recordations page of the Board’s website. If the recordation is time-sensitive or for any issues regarding e-filing, please call 202-245-0350.
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